KDN ML-08 Medix by Medix4Life (1 oz)

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Quick Overview

Regulates inter cellular communication. Supports cellular & tissue regeneration in the kidneys. Enhances fluid regulation and detoxification. Possible Applications: Toxicosis, degenerative and pathological kidney conditions, Nephrosis- protein in the urine, low blood protein levels, high cholesterol levels, swelling, chronic anemia, chronic fatigue, kidney failure and insufficiency, high blood pressure, recurrent kidney infections, dialysis support, edema, etc.

KDN ML-08 Medix by Medix4Life (1 oz)

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Our main focus is to bring health and wellness to the world with our revolutionary nano technology using regulatory peptides to assist the body in re-establishing cellular communication and activating adult stem cells, which control the repair mechanism of the body. ProtoMedix uses proprietary nanotechnology applications that work at the molecular level. The active ingredients are delivered in ultra low dosages (ULD), so there are no side effects or allergic reactions. Although the active ingredients are nano in size, they are super powerful at manipulating the correct atoms at the very smallest levels of life.


Most of today's commercial applications deliver large doses of chemicals to bad cells in the hopes they will drown the problem. We provide nanotechnology applications that:

- Repair cellular communications at the molecular level.

- Work at the building block level of life.

- Are powerful, but harmless ingredients delivered in ultra low dosages (ULD).

- Have no side effects or allergic reactions.

- Activate the repair mechanism of the body so it can repair itself.

- Is changing the world's health industry with proprietary nanotechnology. Unlike most products designed to just make you FEEL better, our formulations don't just treat the symptoms, they allow your body to regulate and address the cause...SO YOU CAN GET BETTER!

Proprietary blend of purified water and Regulatory Peptides from plant sources in ultra-low doses (ULD).

Dosing: 1-20 drops a day .  Mix in 2 to 3 oz of water and take away from food or supplements. Four Medix products can be taken daily. However, you must be sure to take them 20-30 minutes apart from each other for best results. Do not combine different Medix products together.  We recommend that you start with 5 to 7 drops and titrate up a few drops daily  to the full dose of 20 drops.  It is safe to start at full dosage for severe conditions.

These products contain regulatory peptides obtained from natural sources using Nanotechnology, which re-establishes cellular communication and activates adult stem cells. These preparations are non-toxic and do not have allergic responses in long-term applications.


Placing orders with you/your company is always a good experience.


I have been buying KDN ML08 for my nephew in the Philippines for approximately eight months now. He is 42 years old with three beauful children. Unfortunately, he is suffering from diabetes. Three years ago, he was in a coma and was not able to walk for almost a month due to complicaons of diabetes. That was the me when his kidney failed and doctors recommended a transplant. He joined the list of kidney recipients but when his number was called, he was not able to do it for financial reasons. Instead of having an expensive transplant, he chose to manage his diet and go through dialysis three mes a week to extend his life. His skin started to turn blotchy with dark spots all over his body and he felt red most of the me. One day, went to the internet and started searching for anything that can help him regain strength and somewhat normal skin.


That’s how he found out about KDN ML‐08. He asked me if I can buy a bole to see if it will work for him. I googled KDN ML‐08 and found your company as one of the retailers. I inially bought one bole for my nephew to try. I sent it via air to the Philippines and in three weeks I got a call from my sister (mom of my nephew) and she told me that she can see posive effects of KDN ML‐08. His skin started to clear and he is feeling more energized. I was so happy and started ordering on a regular basis. I do not let him pay me because I know he cannot afford it and I try to squeeze it in my ght budget. Thank you so much and I hope to be able to buy more of your product. Have a great day!


- Best regards, Lina Daya