Successful Removal of Moles

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A topical herbal paste that, when applied to moles and skin abnormalities, will selectively kill these tissues down to their roots within 3 to 5 days.

Successful Removal of Moles

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C-HerbC-Herb is a combination of several well-known herbs and mineral salts. It appears as a dark colored paste and is used either topically or taken orally. The theory of how C-Herb works includes two separate functions, as described below:


When taken orally, it seems to immediately remove the protein shell in which a virus can hide. If a virus is to survive in the body, it must hide itself within something that the body will not reject. The most common source of disguise is protein. When the virus is coated with protein, the body sees nothing unwanted and takes no action against it. A good example is the influenza virus. It hides itself in protein which serves two purposes; it not only is hidden from the action of the immune system, it is also ushered into the center of a cell as the cell receives the protein. When inside the cell, the virus sheds its protein coating and begins dividing into thousands more viruses, which find their way back into the blood system and continues the process until disease overtakes the host.