

Coriander Seed Oil Takes his health to the next level


This product is incredible. Highly recommend to anyone suffering from digestive issues or anyone that just wants to take their health to the next level! I must say there was a period of a healing crisis but that just means that the product is working at removing the bad stuff you have built in your body system for years. 

-Andrew Marsh



Angie --- Angie and her two children have remarkable improvements in health while taking One World Whey, Synergy One and Membrane complex --- August 2011



Charles --- Charles breathing problems and the sleep disturbance this caused improve while on One World Whey, Synergy One and Mineral Magic --- May 2011

Charles breathing problems and the sleep disturbance this caused improve while on One World Whey, Synergy One and Mineral Magic

Mark --- Mark's Knee Improves while using Collagen, Mineral Magic, One World Whey and Synergy One. --- August 2011



Barry --- Barry loses 30 lbs without dieting or Exercise on Synergy One & heals old injuries: --- December 2008

Both my wife and I have been focused on maintaining a healthy diet avoiding animal products and white sugar for years. However, despite this adhering to a vegetarian diet my weight had increased to about 260 lbs which is about 50 to 60 pounds heavier than my ideal weight. Within about 4 months of starting to take Synergy One I had lost over 30 lbs. I was amazed as I watched the weight drop off as I hadn't change my diet or exercise patterns (none that is). What I realized is that my appetite had changed. I'd gone from being ravenous to noticing that I hadn't eaten and probably should. I am particularly grateful for the fact I only want small portions and never feel the desire to binge.



During the 6 months we've been taking Synergy One I have noticed some healing events that generally last a few day. One example of a healing event that involved sharp pain in my right hip and abdominal area. I knew immediately this was a healing event because I hadn't experienced any falls or injuries recently. As I thought I remembered a fall about 30 years ago resulting in similar pain.



Personally, I am very grateful for all the health benefits we've received from Synergy One. And, I'm most appreciative of a "normal" appetite. I could never understand how someone could just eat a few cookies and not the whole box. Now the thought of eating the whole box seems both impossible and an abuse of my body.





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Lina --- Thank you for providing a product that really does slow the aging process! --- December 2008

I'm the gal that went 6 months without the Synergy One product. I had an Epiphany several weeks ago, I was wondering why I was noticeably more tired and didn't appear quite as "youthful". I know I know; stress, the economy, winter coming, but really something else was happening.


So I re-ordered and now two weeks after using this product, "I am back!" Yes, my energy level is up, I "look" more alive and I feel more optimistic. All those can't quite define elements of well being that slowly slip away as we age. Thank you for providing a product that really does slow the aging process.


Sincerely, Lina Jacobson


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Paul --- The best two words to describe the change (and all for the better) is Amazing and Remarkable. --- October 2008

Thank you very much for offering such a change in our lives.


My mother (about 75) was hit by a car about 6 moths ago and suffered serious injuries to her knee and leg. The pain was severe and constant. About a month ago I ordered several products for her (and for myself). The change has been nothing short of remarkable. My mother now, does not use any prescription medication and and is not in pain. Sleeping has been much improved (again without having to use any medication). Her general well being has improved and without doubt her quality of life has improved.


As for myself, I am just amazed. Sometimes I can't believe just how good I feel (regardless of the stressful lives we all live). I'm 45 and in general good health, the positive effects of a good program was felt almost Immediately. Truly, Truly amazing. Some other observations, I sleep much better, my skin feels better, I breath much better, all the little annoying aches and pains (joints) have disappeared, I can focus better. I could continue to state the positive effects this has had, but I think you get the point.


The best two words to describe the change (and all for the better) is Amazing and Remarkable.


We're using the Amino Balance, Mineral Magic, Synergy One, Collagen, Flax(from seed, ground), Cod Liver Oil and a Calcium & Magnesium




Paul Panayiotopoulos


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Sharon --- Sharon gets deep and healing sleep; all of the little aches and pains went away on Synergy One --- September 2008

I just ordered another 6 bottles of Synergy One as it is the most phenomenal product I've EVER used. I have been using the product for about 6 months now. The first thing I noticed of course was deep and healing sleep. Then all of the little aches and pains as one ages went away. I have a knee that cracks and pops as I walk up stairs and that has ceased to happen. I just have an over-all sense of balance that has been restored. My 58 year old sister just took a nasty fall and cracked her pelvis. I'm going to give her an extra bottle I happen to have on hand and I will be able to let you know what happens with her as well. Thanks, Shari Schwab


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Cindy --- Cindy experiences healing of knee injury while using Synergy One and Collagen. --- September 2008

Hello, Stephen!


To make a long story short, I had an accident July 30th where I'm pretty
sure I tore the Meniscus in my left knee, used Cocoon Nutrition's
Synergy One and Collagen as part of my self-doctoring regimen, and now my
knee feels about 95% healed up! I am absolutely thrilled because I
thought I was going to have to have a 2nd surgery on that knee.
Instead, right now, I can go for 2-3 mile walks without pain and without
any after effects the next day! What a great outcome for something
"allopathic" medicine cannot treat without surgery. :) I am convinced
the Synergy One and Collagen was a big part of the reason my knee is so
much better and am one happy camper!!!


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L. --- 59 yr old women experiences sexual rejuvenation, more energy and elimination of down feelings. --- July 2008

Not sure you can use my testimony because of the personal nature, but I have been wanting to share it with someone. I am 59 yrs old and have been menopausal since 1997. I have had no sexual desire for more years than that plus extreme vaginal dryness. After two weeks of taking Synergy One all that has changed. I am so young again sexually. The dryness is gone and sexual desire and pleasure has returned. In fact, the desire and pleasure is stronger than it has ever been. My husband and I used to talk about my frigidity but don't need to anymore. Who can believe all that has changed at age 59. Several years ago I tried natural estrogen therapy (tri-est), but only took it for two months because I didn't see any improvement and it wasn't covered by my insurance. I've been taking Synergy One for one month and it is worth every penny.


I am also feeling much more energetic and do not have any "down" feelings. I am looking forward to see what results I get after taking Synergy One for a few months. I am looking forward to less grey hair and wrinkles. I am not on any prescription medications and haven't take any for any length of time.


Now, it is my husband's turn to try the product. He is on high blood pressure medication and has problems with arthritis. I will let you know how Synergy One helps him. L.R. Texas


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Paul --- Drops weight and looses limp on Synergy One --- July 2008

In short I started having problems with my shoulder and both hands sometime around last


December. I went to a local neurologist and was diagnosed with mild RA (arthritis) and was given a prescription for predesone. Being against the taking of drugs, I decided to look for a natural product that might relieve some of my discomfort. I ended up taking arthalin and I had a lot of relief from my pain.There was a time when it was difficult to pick up a cup of coffee. I stopped taking arthalin in March when I heard about Synergy One on the Jeff Rense program. I enjoy his program and I think he has the best on radio.



I have had a problem with one of my knees in addition to my hands and shoulder, so I thought I had nothing to lose in trying Synergy One. The results have been most rewarding for me. I no longer limp around and the benefit of dropping from 193 to 178 has been the best thing for me in a long time. In addition, I sleep a lot better since I have been taking chrysa-lis.



I might add, at age 74 I feel like a new man. Thanks again



Paul Crosby


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Dolores --- Resurrection from the Dead through mercury detox, regenerative and pH balancing supplementation --- July 2008

Hello Stephen,


I just wanted to drop a line to you to let you know how much better I am after your showing me some simple steps to regain my sense of well-being.


In 2002 I was diagnosed as having very high levels of Mercury in my body. It was certainly Mercury Toxicity. After numerous amalgam fillings in my teeth, placed there by dentists over many years (and it was cumulative), I succumbed to the deleterious effect of Mercury. My nervous system was completely shot. My hormone levels were completely out of balance and I would get the worst of blood sugar drops during the day at unannounced times that I couldn't even predict.


After a consult with you, Stephen I began taking Synergy One, Amino Balance, Nano Cal, Mineral Magic and of course Digesticol. My sleep has improved, my digestion is now fine, and now that I am taking Synergy One, I look and feel younger than I did 30 years ago. I am 67, work full time as a mortgage professional and have abounding energy. I look and feel "ageless" with no intention of ever "growing old" gracefully or otherwise. It's amazing how the right supplements can have such an effect on ones health when I remember 6 years ago not having the energy to get up from my sofa in order to go to my office. How different I feel today! Thank you Stephen.


Dolores Davis


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